today i built a shelf for my closet (which is actually a clothes rack in our laundry room... whoever built this house evidently decided that only 2 of the 3 bedrooms needed closets, and i'm the lucky winner). it was a little bootleg... i cut up a scrap of OSB plywood (which is the stuff that's a bunch of chips of wood pressed into a board) from our garage for the shelf part, put in the L-shaped things that it actually sits on (dunno what they're called), and the decided to cover the plywood with some scraps of fabric we had so that it doesn't scratch up my stuff or drop wood chips into my clothing... here's the finished product:
let's see, not much else i can think to say... i hate windows vista with an intense passion and have named my computer hal after 2001: a space odyssey. it has not tried to kill me yet, to my knowledge, but it definitely has a mind of its own and tries to make my life difficult as often as possible. and if you're younger (or maybe even a few years older) than me, you're probably not gonna have a clue what that movie is unless you have old parents who made you watch it once, like my dad did to my brother and i. anyways, my brother is working on remedying this issue that he had a hand in causing in the first place by urging me to not get xp on the new laptop but go with vista (BAD choice), so he is finding me a cheap copy of xp and going to redo my computer, hopefully...
that's enough of this for one night... oh and julie these pictures are especially for you... i figured you'd like the bruise and the whole story of being resourceful to build a ghetto shelf :)